Hair transplantation is the restoration of hair on the head, in the area of ​​the beard, eyebrows with the help of surgical intervention.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and on an outpatient basis.
The principle of hair transplant surgery is to transfer healthy, androgen-resistant hair follicles from the donor area (most often the back of the head), to the bald area where there is a complete absence of hair or bald spots.
hair transplantation
First of all, the desire to perform a hair transplantation operation depends entirely on the patient, this procedure can be performed for aesthetic purposes, even if the baldness is not pronounced or very slight.
Also hair transplant can help in cases like
genetic predisposition
androgenetic alopecia
scarring alopecia
complete absence or sparse hair on the beard, eyebrows
high forehead line
This is one of the common hair transplant methods.
When using this technique, the operation takes place in several stages:
collection of hair follicles from the donor area
opening of the channels
implantation of grafts into the open channels
FUE- follicular unit extraction
with this method, using a special tool, the doctor extracts the hair follicles one by one. Then, microscopic incisions are made in the area of ​​baldness (opening channels) into which previously collected hair follicles will be implanted individually.
The FUE technique is minimally invasive, the recovery after the operation takes place in a short time, and most importantly, there are no scars left, and after a while no one will understand that you have had a hair transplant.
FUE is usually recommended for patients with a greater degree of baldness and with large bald spots, since the preliminary opening of the channels allows you to completely cover the baldness area and achieve a tight fit of the grafts.
This technique is carried out using the implanter handle, due to which the grafts are implanted immediately after their removal, bypassing the stage of opening the channels.
DHI is not a standalone method like FUT and FUE.
This graft implantation technique is combined with the FUE method. That is, the removal of hair follicles occurs in the same way as in FUE, but the implantation of hair follicles is not carried out in open channels, but directly using a special tool.
DHI is recommended for those patients with baldness who are not so critical. With the help of punch, you can carefully fill the existing voids between the hair without damaging them.
But which method is right for you, only a doctor can say, since there are a lot of nuances that are taken into account before the operation!
Beard transplantation is recommended for patients with a complete absence of facial hair, to cover scars after burns, epilation, and other mechanical influences. Also, a beard transplant procedure can be performed when you want to give a more aesthetic and thicker look to your beard and mustache.
Beard transplantation
During beard and mustache hair transplant surgery, hair follicles are extracted from the donor area and transplanted into the desired area.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and thanks to modern technologies in the field of hair transplantation, the rehabilitation period passes very fast.
Eyebrow transplantation is a minimally invasive operation, thanks to which it is possible to restore the shape and density of eyebrows damaged by mechanical influences (burns, scars, excessive plucking or chemotherapy). This procedure is also recommended for those patients who want to make their eyebrows thicker or change their appearance.
Eyebrow transplantation
In an eyebrow transplant operation, hair follicles are removed from the donor area and transplanted into the eyebrow growth area.
At the same time, the professionalism of the doctor in this procedure is very important, since the eyebrows are the main focus on the face of any patient, and it is necessary to choose the correct shape, density and angle of the hair follicles. The Hair Hub Clinic has vast experience in eyebrow transplantation, our team of specialists is always happy to help you solve your problem and delight you with the results.
Not only men suffer from alopecia, but also the beautiful half of humanity. But for girls, this problem has a much greater impact on social life and emotional state, since hair is one of the most important components of a woman's appearance.
female transplant
Male pattern baldness begins in certain places, on the top or sides of the forehead, while in women, hair loss occurs over all or most of the head at the same time. Unlike males, female causes of baldness can be due to various health problems.
Before making a decision to have a hair transplant operation, women need to find out if you have diseases such as:
hormonal problems
thyroid disease
excess androgenic hormones
B12 deficiency
folate deficiency
polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Cushing's syndrome
The methods of hair transplantation for women are identical to the methods for hair transplantation for men. However, many women prefer hair transplantation without shaving, as this method allows you to save the length of the hair and hide the fact of the operation.
Online consultation
We conduct online consultations free of charge in any convenient way for you. We verify whether the operation is possible, ask additional questions that are important in your case, and also give all the information regarding the price
Checking dates and booking
We check available dates, you purchase a flight ticket and we arrange hotel reservations and surgery room. We will be waiting for you on the appointed day in Istanbul
Day 1
Your Arrival
Our driver will be waiting for you at the exit of the airport at a place agreed with you in order to accompany you to your hotel. The hotel room has already booked under your name to your arrival
Day 2
Early in the morning you have breakfast at the hotel. About at 8 am we will be waiting for you at the hotel reception. We ride to the clinic for a consultation before the operation
Day 3
Monitoring at the clinic. Removing the bandage and flying back home
Since arriving to the clinic, we give all the necessary medicines and products for the care of the transplant area and conduct the first wash.After the control of the surgeon and the doctor, you can fly home. Our transfer will take you to the airport
Each operation includes its own nuances, so all of the details will be discussed during the consultation!
Online consultation
We conduct online consultations free of charge in any convenient way for you. We verify whether the operation is possible, ask additional questions that are important in your case, and also give all the information regarding the price
Checking dates and booking

We check available dates, you purchase a flight ticket and we arrange hotel reservations and surgery room. We will be waiting for you on the appointed day in Istanbul
Day 1
Your Arrival
Our driver will be waiting for you at the exit of the airport at a place agreed with you in order to accompany you to your hotel. The hotel room has already booked under your name to your arrival
Day 2
Early in the morning you have breakfast at the hotel. About at 8 am we will be waiting for you at the hotel reception. We ride to the clinic for a consultation before the operation
Day 3
Monitoring at the clinic.
Removing the bandage and flying back home
Since arriving to the clinic, we give all the necessary medicines and products for the care of the transplant area and conduct the first wash.
After the control of the surgeon and the doctor, you can fly home. Our transfer will take you to the airport
Each operation includes its own nuances, so all of the details will be discussed during the consultation!
When a patient decides to have an operation, he needs to prepare for the operation not only mentally, but also to make some changes in his daily life.
A month before the proposed operation, it is necessary to abandon the cosmetic and medical products that you used to support hair growth.
One week after surgery:
avoid alcohol
stop or cut down on smoking
stop taking blood thinners
do not massage the head
reduce sports activity
eliminate stress
stop taking vitamin complexes containing vitamins C and B
The hair transplant operation takes one day, its duration can last from five hours or more, depending on the individual parameters of the patient.
In the morning you need to have a hearty breakfast, choose from clothes something with buttons, zippers, etc. (in order not to disturb the transplanted grafts after the procedure).
Our manager will take you to the clinic for hair transplant surgery.
At the clinic, they will consult with you, discuss all the details and draw the lines of the future front hairline.
Then the patient is shaved baldly (or only the donor area), after all the preparations, the patient is taken to the hospital ward and local anesthesia is administered.
After the onset of anesthesia, grafts are taken from the donor area. Extraction occurs with a special microsurgical instrument (punch). Then channels are formed for transplanting hair grafts into the baldness area along the hairline for a more natural look.
After the end of the hair transplant operation, our manager will accompany you to the hotel for rest.
The next day after the operation, the patient returns to the control and for the first shampooing.
Since the transplanted grafts are very vulnerable during this period, the clinic staff wash their hair and explain each step so that the patient can wash his hair on his own in the following days.
Care of transplanted hair is important, as it affects the engraftment rate, the healing of the donor area and the final result of the operation.
Care instructions:
A patient after a hair transplant operation can return to work after 5 days. But patients who work hard work are advised to return later, after 7-14 days
Too much exposure to the sun with the head uncovered can cause damage to the skin in the areas of the operation, the sun's rays can also affect the deeper tissues of the head and cause severe damage. A month after hair transplantation, it is necessary to protect the head from the sun's rays
After the operation, sex should be avoided, as during the process there is a strong sweating, in which the transplanted grafts can be deformed
Coughing and sneezing
Of course, it is difficult to avoid sneezing or coughing, but sudden movements of the head will need to be controlled
It is undesirable to touch the areas where the operation was performed within 10 days after the operation. You can only touch when washing your hair
During the first month it is better to avoid swimming. The first month is the period of healing of grafts and the donor area
Physical activity
For the first month, we recommend reducing the intensity of your exercise
Smoking and alcohol
Nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels, which impairs healing and slows down the growth of transplanted hair. And alcohol, in turn, lowers blood pressure, which also harms the postoperative period. Therefore, we recommend that the patient stop using alcohol and tobacco for a week or two before and after the operation
Solarium and sauna
The solarium and sauna provoke increased sweating, so visiting these places should be stopped for two months after the operation
Head scratching
For a month after hair transplantation, it is very important not to scratch the transplanted area, as this can damage the crusts and aggravate the healing process
Tight hats should not be worn for a month. Wearing a hat/helmet immediately after surgery may damage the transplanted grafts and cause them to fall out
The most important thing after a hair transplant operation is to be patient.
It seems that everything is done to fulfill your dream of hair transplantation, but also do not forget about the recovery period. Do not worry that the process will take a lot of time, it is individual for each patient, and lasts from 6 to 12 months. To control the process, a consultant is assigned to you, who is always in touch with you and ready to answer any of your questions.
hair growth
The most important period after transplantation is the first 48 hours. It is necessary to be careful and take care of the transplant area (this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, we will send you all the instructions in electronic format after the operation), since during this period the transplanted grafts begin to take root.
On the 7-10th day, the crust will completely disappear and with the unaided eye you will notice that active hair growth has begun in the recipient zone!
By day 15-20, you will observe that the transplanted hair has started to fall out. But do not sound the alarm and panic. These are signs of the onset of a shock prolapse! 99% of people live after hair transplantation. Transplanted grafts need time to get used to and give full growth! And you just have to wait, on average, this period lasts from 1 to 2 months.
After a period of shock loss, active growth and thickening of the hair will begin, please note that this also takes time.
On the 3rd month, the entire recipient zone, where there was once no hair at all, will be covered by 60%.
4-5 months the hair grows intensively and becomes stronger (70-80% of the hair grows back), the hair in the transplant area acquires the most natural look.
100% hair grows back in about 9-12 months.
Contact us in any way convenient for you
+90 535 496 08 90
Fulya, Fulya Mh. Buyukdere Cd, Akıncı Bayırı sokağı
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